What is Safe Pass?
Safe Pass is a one-day safety awareness programme aimed at construction workers. The aims of the programme are to raise the standard of safety awareness in the construction industry so that all construction workers after completing the one-day awareness programme can make a positive contribution to the prevention of accidents and ill health while working on the site.
The Safe Pass programme is operated and managed by Solas. www.solas.ie
SafePass is a general awareness programme and does not negate the duty of the employer under the Act in regard to the provision of information, instruction and training to enable the person to carry out their work safely.
Who needs to do Safe Pass awareness training?
Under the Safety Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 Safe Pass / Safety Awareness Programmes only applies to -
(a) Craft and general construction workers,
(b) Persons undertaking on-site security work, and
(c) Persons or classes of persons as may be prescribed by the Minister.